Bringing Old Photos back to Life: Pure7 Photo Restoration
Earlier this year, Ryan had the opportunity to photograph his 96 year old grandfather in our studio while he was visiting from South Dakota. He’s an amazing man and veteran, and the family has always been in awe of his hands. Not only are they massive, they’ve been used to build countless masterpieces in his wood-shop over the decades (and still to this day!). I love this particular portrait because Ryan focused in on his beautifully strong hands. We’ll cherish this portrait forever. In addition to present day photos, we love looking back at photos from over the years and getting a glimpse of our family’s life and the special memories photos spark for them. If any of you need any photo restoration done just in time for the holidays, you can see examples below of what we can do for you!
Give the priceless gift of Photo Restoration for Christmas! Or, while you're home for the holidays, snatch up some priceless gems like these and contact us to restore them to their original glory.