Why You Should Have Professional Photos of Your Child Once a Year

You’ve gotten the maternity photos, then you had the newborn session, then you had photos taken when your little one was six months or perhaps one year old. What’s next? Their growth seems to slow down a bit after that first year, but your children will go through so many subtle changes that you may not even realize from day to day.

Of course, your child will have many measurable developments: losing teeth, getting taller, outgrowing their clothes and shoes. But they will experience so many changes that you don’t even see until you glance at them one day and realize how much more they are starting to look like a teenager or even a young adult. In my parents’ house, my mom keeps these little schoolhouse picture frames for each of her children. There are 13 little “windows” on the schoolhouse - one for every grade. Even though none of my school pictures were ever flattering (are anyone’s?), I am still intrigued to look at the pictures and see the changes from year to year. Some seem to make drastic leaps, and others are much smaller, but regardless, there is a noticeable change in each photo. It’s so interesting to watch myself start as a curly-headed five-year-old to losing some of that roundness in my cheeks and growing a bit taller, to getting a “big girl” haircut, to getting braces, to having beautifully straight teeth, to seeing my face mature and transform into an adult.

Most families have lots of candid photos and home videos, and those are wonderful memories that should be held close. All the same, it is important for your child to have a professional photo session annually. These are the types of pictures that will allow you to more definitively see the growth in your child from year to year. While they may not be appreciative of it at the time - especially in those awkward years - your kids will someday look back on those development years and be fascinated by the difference made in just 12 months’ time.

I was fortunate to grow up in a family that has lots of photos, both professional and casual. In fact, photos from my childhood all the way up to recent family vacations are displayed throughout my parents’ home. Having professional photos done yearly is an investment in the memories that you have of your child as well as the memories that your child will someday have of his or her “growing up years”.

It’s funny how in the moment, these photos are more for the benefit of you as a parent, but someday, they will be valued even more by your children as they show their children what Mommy and Daddy were like when they were young.

Pure7 believes in taking natural photos of your family and children. We don’t do stiff poses or glued-on smiles. The best photos come from keeping it relaxed and allowing families and children to simply be themselves. We’ll take care of capturing just the right moment. Schedule a consultation with us today.


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